Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie

The Pedagogy of a Rural Educator

30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day 14 – Feedback

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What is feedback for learning, and how well do you give it to students?

Traditional Feedback: Grades, Tests, Percentages.

How Feedback Should Look: Standards, Tasks, Mastery.

This is a huge struggle for me and many teachers. We are stuck in a world, state, district, or building that requires the use of traditional feedback. However, we would LOVE to utilize more of the words listed under “how feedback should look”. This is a bridge I haven’t been able to cross at this point in my career.

However, I am trying very hard to make sure that the grades, tests, and percentages reflect the standards I am covering, tasks students have completed, and mastery level of my students. At this point, its the best I can do. Hopefully, in the near future, we will move into the world of what it should look like, instead of what it always has looked like.

Author: sdsuemko

I'm a high school science teacher in a small Minnesota town who loves the world of rural education. I am constantly striving to learn more about my craft and share what I find with others!

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